Next the novel draws us to the Cultural Revolution, which is a product of the extreme leftist line。 There is an expression in the novel: anarchy。 Indeed, the scenes were so anarchy that the nation was wounded and hurt。 A fight was depicted and the situation was horrifying。 The leftist line is dictatorial, as Karl Marx stated, “it shows contempt and scorn to people, and debases them。” (Anthology of Karl Marx, P441)
所以, 张宗铭 先生的三部系列长篇小说,就其思想的成就来说,达到了空前未有的思想高度。鲁迅曾说:“中国文人,对于人生——至少对于社会现象,向来就没有正视的勇气。”又说:“有些聪明的士大夫,依然会从血泊里寻出闲适来。”并认为那些道学先生:“死似的镇静”,“真是天大的本领。”鲁迅最痛心的是中国人的麻木,对别人的痛苦无动于衷,对身受的压迫习以为常。然而, 张宗铭 先生则不然,他是一位具有良知的、敢于正视历史和现实的杰出的作家。所以他的系列小说,是我国第一部敢于正视历史,敢于正视现实,敢于进行反思的文学作品,其价值不可低估。
Mr。 Zongming Zhang’s novels are great in terms of ides。 Lu Xun once said, “The Chinese men of letters show little courage in facing human life and at least social phenomenon。” Lu Xun added, “Some intelligent learned men seek leisure amid blood shedding,” “they are dead-like calm,” “they are great。” He was sorry for the indifference shown by the Chinese to the others’ pains and their own sufferings。 Mr。 Zhang is unlike what Lu Xun described。 He is an outstanding writer who is public-minded and dares to look history and reality in the face。 His works are worth studying praising。
The artistic achievement of Mr。 Zhang’s novels is high, or rather “outstanding realist。” I deem realism as a suitable evaluation of literary works。 In 1954 a heated discussion was launched in Chinese literary circles。 Some people thought that the Chinese realism could be traced back to the ancient poetry classic Shi Jing, while the others maintained that the Chinese realism started in the novel of Jinpingmei, a Ming Dynasty novel。 In the latter’s view the Chinese realism emerged after the advent of capitalism。 I think it started in Shi Jing, and was developed in a better way in the Ming Dynasty。