所谓真实性,是对虚假、虚伪、空虚、空洞而言。它的真实性,并不使人感到虚假、虚伪,也不感到空虚和空洞。对生活没有粉饰也没有夸大,就是原原本本地照着生活的原貌进行描写,并没有根据个人好恶过多地夸大什么缩小什么,过多地贬低什么歌颂什么。〈红楼梦〉中有句话,说明现实主义的创作特点:“其中悲欢离合,兴衰际遇,俱是按迹循踪,不敢稍加穿凿,至失其真。” 张宗铭 先生的系列小说基本上也是这样,他所写的人物、事件、情节,都是“按迹循踪”,按照生活的轨迹、遵循生活的逻辑,对其产生、发展、变化,严格按照生活的真实性、历史的真实性来描写,使人不发生不真实的感觉。不管第一部、第二部、第三部,都给人一种历史的真实感,在这种历史的真实性的前提下,作者将自己博大的情怀和良知,融会在小说中去,歌颂和平、歌颂友谊、歌颂爱情;在人物上,讴歌真诚、讴歌善良、讴歌正义、讴歌人性美,使人从历史的真实性当中得以极大的美的享受。
Mr。 Zhang’s novels are a mirror of realism。 Let me specify their realist features。 The first feature is sufficient truth。 The novels range a long period from the early years of the People’s Republic of China (even earlier, if the Futian Event and the Honghu Lake Guerilla are considered) to the Cultural Revolution。 The events, life and characters are true historically。 It should be noted that “truth” does not conflict with “fiction”。 Truth is artistic and not equal to life truth。 Truth is termed as opposed to fraud, hypocrisy, emptiness and hollowness。 Truth does not appear false and hypocritical。 It does not paint life nor boast it。 Instead, it is a down-to-earth description of what life is, unguided by personal bias and hence impartial。 In A Dream in a Red Mansion (Hongloumeng) realism is described as “sketching ups and downs in life in the way it leaves traces so as not to lose its truth。” Mr。 Zhang’s works are just what this saying reveals。 The characters, events and plots in his novels “went in the way life left its traces。” They reflect truth as is required by realism, showing a sense of life and historical truth。 In presenting the history, the author devotes his conscience and bosom to what are involved。 He lauds peace, friendship and love, and gives much credit to sincerity, kindness, justice and morality。 Indeed, his works are full of a sense of beauty in terms of historical truth。
 ; 第二个特点是力求完整性。所谓“完整性”,就是使作品反映生活力求作到成为有机的艺术整体。一方面,作品本身有其完整性,有其内在联系,不是七零八落的,不是各个艺术部件机械的组合,而是浑然一体的艺术精品。另一方面,力求反映生活的整体,不片面,不只从一个角度,力求从多个方面不使生活片面化。比如,写了一个唐维绮,又写了一个亨利,从不同角度表现对宗教和宗教人士的态度。尽管小说写的历史跨度比较大,但总是给人以整体的观念,并不觉得支离破碎,也不觉得单一或者单调。第二部为什么写到双溪坪,写到少数民族,写到农村。与第一部第三部结合起来看,就写出了整体的贵州,给人以贵州完整的面貌。第二部好像另起炉灶,但最后又与第一部结合了起来,形成了系列小说的完整故事,这种写法是了不起的,是一种大手笔的写法。
The second feature is an attempt for integrity, which requires literary creations to realize an artistic integrity with life。 In another word, the works should not appear broken but finished products。 On the other hand, they should reflect all aspects of life rather than a limited number。 For instance, both Tang Weiq