“Would ye ife?”Jennifer问冯路:(我走了,你会想我吗?)
“ We will be the best friends with each other。”(我们会成为最好的朋友。)
“We are not, are we?”(难道我们现在不是吗?)
ennifer的问题让冯路无所适从,严格地说,他根本没想过。“I don’t me, just think we haven’t yet khat well each other.”(我不是那个意思,只是认为我们之间还不那么相互了解。)
“Well, let’s dell. Let me guess you’verlfriend.”(那好吧,就让我们好好地了解一下对方吧。先让我猜猜你已经有了女朋友。)
“How did you k”(何以见得?)
“YLee, didn’t you?”(你不是和李小姐在约会吗?)
冯路不想否认这个事实,但还是做了进一步的解释,“my girlfriend back atl, bleft me duey faulld have beehance of relhis timmeLondseemfizzled once more, though.”(上学的时候,她就是我的女友,但后来因为我的错,她离开了我。本来这次伦敦相遇该是我们重归于好的机会,不过看来又泡汤了。”)
“She left back for Chh herffered husband. You kcould divorce with her husband, bcan’,ical if”(她已经随他受伤的丈夫回中国了。要是她丈夫没事的话,她本可以和他离婚,但现在不行了,如果她那样做,显得很不道德。)
“It’sethical either forrriage without love, isn’”(没有爱的婚姻也是不道德的,不是吗?)
“It’s true, bsevery couplis a pair.”(话是这么说,但世上夫妻多,珠联璧合少啊。)
“Ysay th,bout yourself next, though.”(说的倒也是,那你自己下面怎么办?)
“I havedea, just let things drift。”(我不知道,还是顺其自然吧。)
“In my view, you’d better com”(我看你还是早点来美国吧。)
“ Yy figurever theryou have bking.”(你或许可以在那里找到你这些年苦苦寻觅的东西。)
冯路也未必没有觉察到,他只是在心里依然放不下李妮,所以,他不想再搅进一个不现实的感情中去。“Maybe,It’s abe for me to spend more timying.”(也许是该好好花些时间在学习上了。)
ennifer 被打了叉,只好顺着他的话题说下去。“I read over what you wrote abheebculturmand. It’s very nice,d jobld you tell me how yght of this subjehe first place.”(我仔细地阅读了你写的那篇关于文化与需求之间关系的文章,写得很好,堪称不朽之作。你能告诉我你最初是怎么想到这个题目的吗?)
“I found every demble culture, even drug lik”( 我发现每一种需求都与相应一种文化,毒品也不例外。)
“Interesting,be specific, please.”(很有意思,请具体一点。)
“You know, jeans came from hippy, Internet triggerputer industries thriving, violevies increaserican’s demand for guns, meanwhile, various festivals are also ablvelopmands. Forstance, Beer fest brought up a lot of beer output.”(你知道,牛仔服源于嬉皮士文化,而电脑业的兴旺是受互联网催生的,美国人对枪支的需求就是因为暴力电影的泛滥,同样,各种节日带来了不同需求的增长,譬如,啤酒节就让啤酒的产量大增。)
“So,I brought uppropos, that is, developedries likghvate more and more novel culturesrmands, while developes like China requirebsorb all kinds of cultures quickly to lift itssump”(所以,我提出这样一个命题,即,像美国这样的发达国家应当发明越来越多的文化去创造需求,而像中国这样的发展中国家就应当不断地吸收各种文化来快速提升消费。)