“by Hilary Duff
understand why you?re looking for tears in my eyes, eyes。。。
And trust me they were there, but now the well is re-dry, ah-hay。。。
I was in so deep but couldn?t get out
I sat on feelings that I buried you down
I knew there?d come a day when our paths would cross
And I?m glad it?s today cause now I am strong
I'm happy and I can thank myself
If it were up to you I'd be in my bed crying
But I'm happy and I know that makes you sad
After all the things you put me through
I'm finally getting over you
I'm happy, I'm happy
There?s a reason why we met, I?m glad that we did, yea I am?
But when we broke up I got back a part of me I really missed
Not saying that you brought me down all the time
There were moments I lived without light on my side
I'm happy and I can thank myself
If it were up to you I'd be in my bed crying
But I'm happy and I know that makes you mad
After all the things you put me through
I'm finally getting over you
All the bitterness has passed
And I only wish you someone who can do what I can?t
I'm happy and I can thank myself
If it were up to you I'd be in my bed crying
But I'm happy and I know that makes you mad
After all the things you put me through
I'm finally getting over you
I'm happy and I can thank myself
If it were up to you I'd be in my bed crying
But I'm happy and I know that makes you sad
After all the things you put me through
I'm finally getting over you。。。。”一曲终了,大家以热烈的掌声表示他的出色。
张建军见到林风这个样子后,心里是超级高兴 的,于是说道:“风哥,我看你的名气应该可以让主持人把单人舞改为pk赛。尤其是让弈风和你比。让他输给你,当着那么多人的面,你不光会名气大涨而且会让弈风一败涂地,没脸再见你那心上人了。这不是一箭穿心嘛。”