“What do you mean? Just why so many odd words? What are you trying to say?
“What I mean is, today I destined to die in your hands, no matter how, I。。。。。 I self do, self have (我的意思就是,我今天注定死在你手下,不管怎样,我。。。。。。我自作自受。)”死神缓缓说道。
“Why? How did it come to this? I just clearly didn't do anything? What do you mean?
“Bad - - - - - - - (不好-------)”死神脸说一句。
“Great master, and listen to your order, we would like to the lives of us, instead of by our master the humiliation (伟大的主人,听从您之命令,吾愿以吾之命,代替主人被吾之辱。)”紧接着,死神看似明亮的眸子,慢慢的暗了下去,直到眼中大光点消失,此时的死神,完全像一座机器人一般跟随核心芯片发语回应。
“You。。。。。。 What's the matter with you (你。。。。。。你怎么了?)”宁离月依旧一脸不敢置信。
“Great master, I have the name of us to you, QingZui, because before your insult。 You as a control of all his should be respected, should not to my this artificial stumbling block, block your road (伟大的主人,吾已吾之名,向您请罪,只因之前对您的辱骂。您作为掌控万物的尊者,应受人尊敬,不应以吾这种人为绊脚石,阻碍的您的道路。)”死神缓缓说着,眼神中满是尊敬。
“In the name of our, remove to your punishment。 Respect the lives of us, for we used
“A narrow squeak a narrow squeak (好险好险!)”宁离月松了一口气。
“Beg you, please you I, quick save my life, I can't die。 ”