第十三章:危险前奏曲 英国纯声小天后第(2/2)页
But hey you can't see me
Kinda invisible
You don't sense my stay
Not really hiding, not like a shadow
Just thought I would join you for one day
I'm sitting down here,
But hey you can't see me, kinda invisible…
You don't sense my stay
Not really hiding, not like a shadow
Just thought I would join you for one day
You seem to wanna hurt me
No matter what I do
I'm telling just a couple,
But somehow it gets to you
But I've learned how to get revenge
And I swear you'll experience that some day
I'm sitting down here,
But hey you can't see me, kinda invisible…
You don't sense my stay
Not really hiding, not like a shadow
Just thought I would join you for one day
I'm sitting down here,
But hey you can't see me, kinda invisible…
You don't sense my stay
Not really hiding, not like a shadow
Just thought I would join you for one day
I'm sitting down here,
But hey you can't see me, kinda invisible…
You don't sense my stay
Not really hiding, not like a shadow
Just thought I would join you for one day
I'm sitting down here,
But hey you can't see me, kinda invisible…
You don't sense my stay
Not really hiding, not like a shadow
Just thought I would join you for one day
“ 哇!这声音好像在英国一曲爆红的小天后璃沫啊!就连着装都好像! ” 某酒吧男,高喊着……
“ 真的耶!” 某女也在高喊!!
“ 这不是泌霏么!她不是廷讨厌这个称号的么?怎么……… ” 台下的黛婵可爱的眨了眨眼,挠了挠亚麻色色的短发。
‘ 嗖!’ 帅气的将话筒扔掉了台下那位正在呆滞中的歌女,转身/下台去…………(这就叫曲终,人闪)
“ 嘭!嘭!嘭! ” 几秒后,全场爆掌!………然后全场目睹泌霏璃沫丝茜向那三个美男子走去,没有任何音乐,异常的静 ………………………………………………………
什么叫打字打的手抽筋,小代算是见识到了!乡亲们!小代真的很可怜!给点 ‘ 疗心费 ’ 吧!
感谢 凉子小姐,咻若Uo,a472856 的支持!小代会加油的!