µÚ¶þÊ®ÁùÕ Ñݳª»á£¨ÉÏ£©µÚ(2/2)Ò³
you show me the right direction
I need the strongest wings that you have
It's like a heart of glass
¤³¤ÎÐØ£¨¤à¤Í£©¤Î¹Ä¶¯£¨¤³¤É¤¦£© ¾ý£¨¤¤ß£©¤òºô£¨¤è£©¤Ö¤³¤ÎÐÄ£¨¤³¤³¤í£©
I got ÆÍ£¨¤Ü¤¯£©¤Î´æÔÚ£¨¤½¤ó¤¶¤¤£©ÒâÒ壨¤¤¤®£©(Éú£¨¤¤£©¤¤ëÒâ棨¤¤¤ß£©¤ò)£½¾ý£¨¤¤ß£©¤È¹ý£¨¤¹£©¤´¤¹Ê±£¨¤È¤£©¤È oh
¸Ð£¨¤«¤ó£©¤¸¤ë¤ó¤À you are the one£¬
I found you ¤½¤Ð¤Ë¤¤¤Æ¤è
Just stay with me
you change my view of life
It's like a heart of glass
¤³¤ÎÐØ£¨¤à¤Í£©¤Î¹Ä¶¯£¨¤³¤É¤¦£© ¾ý£¨¤¤ß£©¤òÏ루¤ª¤â£©¤¦¤È¤¤¤Ä¤â
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Baby I love you I can't live without you
Already changed my life
cause you changed my view of love
Ah ͸£¨¤¹£©¤Í¨£¨¤È¤¦£©¤ë ·g£¨¤ª¤¿£©¤ä¤«¤Ê¤³¤Îʱ£¨¤È¤£©¤ò